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Hosted by the IRS: "Hearing All Voices - Small Business Workshop & Listening Session"

March 23, 2021

Hosted by the IRS: "Hearing All Voices - Small Business Workshop & Listening Session"
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Zoom Meeting on 03/24/2021 from 2:00pm - 4:00pm EST.

Hosted by the Internal Revenue Service: "Hearing All Voices - Small Business Workshop & Listening Session"

  • Small Business Essentials: Hear from IRS on estimated taxes, self-employment tax, withholding tools for employers and more.
  • Interacting with IRS: Hear about examination and collection processes.
  • Being an Employer 101: Get an overview of employment taxes (employee vs. independent contractor rules and the Trust Fund Recovery Penalty.
  • Appeals: Hear about appeals fast track settlement program, collection due process and much more.
  • Taxpayer First Act: Give your input on how the IRS can improve service to small business owners.

Meeting ID: 160 178 9796
Passcode: Area4NyTx#

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