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Microsoft to invest $1 billion in digital transformation in Poland

May 08, 2020

The aim of the investment is to accelerate innovation and digital transformation, aiding the development of the Polish Digital Valley. It will be the biggest technology investment in Poland to date. Microsoft’s plans include opening a new datacentre region in our country.

‘I strongly believe that Microsoft’s investment in Poland will be important for businesses, public institutions and the education system, and that it enable their digital transformation and introduction of new standard working practices,’ remarked Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. ‘Our overriding goal is to speed up the transformation of Poland into a tech hub for the East-Central Europe region,’ the Head of Government explained.

New partnership for the development of the Polish Digital Valley

Microsoft has signed a cooperation agreement with the Polish National Cloud created by PKO BP and the Polish Development Fund (Polski Fundusz Rozwoju). The goal is to support local organisations in the process of their digital transformation and innovation. In particular, the agreement envisages using the capabilities of the new datacentre region for the benefit of Polish public institutions and businesses from key sectors, such as government administration, healthcare, education, manufacturing, retail, energy, finance and insurance.