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The Three Seas initiative has become an economic fact. POLAND 3.0 program

September 27, 2018

Three seas Fund, energy, joint infrastructure projects, incl. POLAND 3.0 program and tightening of business cooperation. The Three Seas initiative has become an economic fact.

The Three Seas Summit in Bucharest is currently underway with the participation of representatives from 12 3SI countries.

The Three Seas Fund will have a budget of 5 billion euros. It will be a kind of investment vehicle that can generate investments worth EUR 100 billion. The official document was signed by the presidents of Croatia and Poland.

As noted, Three Seas Initiative is a global project of cooperative connections.

Presentation of the POLSKA 3.0 program is in the official agenda of the Three Seas Summit in Bucharest. It was presented as part of the summit as a "case study" of the Three Seas Initiative. The PL 3.0 program was discussed at the Three Seas Summit in Warsaw a year ago, where President Donald J. Trump described it as a strategic program of the Three Seas Initiative. It is a cluster program (NGO), initiated by the Nationwide Cluster of Innovative Enterprises, the largest cluster organization in Poland - representing Poland, among others in V4 projects, internationalization programs and connecting enterprises from SMEs to the largest Polish companies.

Poland 3.0 is a platform for cooperation between enterprises and regions. Integrates pivotal Three Seas projects. It supports the implementation of integrated infrastructure, integrating the construction of international connecting infrastructure. It also brings together projects in the fields of energy, new technologies, ecology and security. As part of the POLAND 3.0 program, which effectively solicited the restoration of inland waterway transport in Poland, the largest multimodal Logistics Center Gorzyczki-Wierzniowice (TILC) mentioned in the Summit as one of the pivotal infrastructure projects will be created in Silesia.

As part of TILC, an inland port on the Odra River will be built, connected to the railway (extension of railway line No. 65), thous including Poland in the New Silk Road project and allowing to use the transit location of Poland in the EU. The Poland 3.0 program is an integral part of the Baltic-Adriatic corridor and the Baltic-Black Sea corridor.

According to the Atlantic Council and PwC report, the Three Seas countries should invest up to EUR 615 billion in transport infrastructure until 2025, and in 2050 75% of the Tri-Sea infrastructure will be new routes, which are non-existent today.

Poland 3.0 Program at the Summit is presented by: Poland 3.0 Coordinator Angelika Jarosławska, Andrzej Voigt, International Coordinator PL 3.0, Zbigniew Żmudziński, chairman of the Think-Thank and Experts Council PL 3.0 and Michał Macek, expert of internationalization of clusters PL 3.0.

The material comes from the Polish Press Agency - the largest news agency in Poland.


Angelika Jarosławska Koordynator Projektu Polska 3.0Angelika Jarosławska
Koordynator Projektu
Polska 3.0