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MoneyGram Makes Warsaw Global Center of Operations

March 29, 2015

Moneygram (NASDAQ: MGI), a leading global money transfer company, has announced the grand opening of the MoneyGram Global Business Center in Warsaw. The investment creates nearly 500 new jobs for the area. The center is a core office for MoneyGram’s business, and positions from every sector of the company, including sales, customer care, and operations, will be represented in Warsaw.

At a press conference held at the Konstruktorska Business Center, Stephen Mull, United States Ambassador to Poland , Monika Piątkowska, Vice President of the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency, and Alex Holmes, MoneyGram’s Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer held a ribbon-cutting ceremony after individual remarks.

“The MoneyGram Global Business Center is an innovative and dynamic environment designed to help MoneyGram grow and excel,” says Alex Holmes, MoneyGram’s chief financial officer and chief operations officer. “We chose Warsaw for its talented, educated and multi-cultural workforce as well as its business-friendly, vibrant economy. We are excited to be part of this community."

MoneyGram already has a strong business presence in Poland, working with Bank Pocztowy, Bank BGZ, Bank BPS, Pepco and Planb International, to provide money transfer services at nearly 6,000 locations. As a leading global money transfer company, MoneyGram provides essential financial services to tens of millions of consumers around the world. The Company’s mission is to connect family, friends and loved ones through reliable, 10-minute money transfers.

The new Global Business Center demonstrates the Company’s commitment to growing the Polish market, a strong money transfer market for both sending and receiving funds. Over the last year, the Polish Information and Foreign Investment agency has been instrumental in supporting the selection process and opening of MoneyGram’s Global Business Center in Warsaw.

“The strong, crisis–resistant economy and the size of the market, combined with the broad range of investment incentives, have made Poland the undisputed ‘number-one’ investment location in Central and Eastern Europe and a major foreign-investment player in Europe. Stability, consistency and a long-lasting open-door policy to foreign capital is what attracts investors to Poland. The example of MoneyGram shows that this strategy has turned out to be a great success. The value of foreign direct investments in Poland has grown to the impressive EUR 160.5 bn (USD 221 bn) that we are seeing now,” says Sławomir Majman, president of the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ).

MoneyGram is also committed to supporting the communities where employees and customers live and work. Through the MoneyGram Foundation, the Company provides funding for non-profits focused on improving education around the world. In 2014, the MoneyGram Foundation provided funding to the Development Ladder Foundation in Warsaw to supply orphanages with computers and customized education software as well as teacher trainings.

About MoneyGram International, Inc.
MoneyGram, a leading money transfer company, provides essential services to consumers who are not fully served by traditional financial institutions. MoneyGram offers worldwide money transfer services in more than 200 countries and territories through a global network of 347,000 agent locations, including retailers, international post offices and banks. MoneyGram also offers bill payment services, issues money orders and processes official checks in select markets.