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The Economist Features Polish Companies Going Abroad

November 26, 2014

A recent article from The Economist discusses the growth of Polish companies abroad.

After growing for years, the Polish economy is now twice the size it was during the year 1989. As a result, many successful Polish companies have sprung up and some, such as InPost and Comarch, are expanding abroad.

More complicated goods are being sold by Polish businesses, as Germans have purchased complicated diesel locomotives.

Polish firms have long attempted to expand abroad, but many of these decisions were encouraged by the state and not necessarily done with good business intentions. An example of this was PKO Bank Polski having to save a Ukranian bank, Kredobank, after it issued bad loans.

Now, Polish firms are driven more by profits as they go abroad.

Although there is no large Polish company, such as a "Polish Apple", Andrzej Kozminiski hopes that it is just a matter of time, what with Poland's rapid economic growth compared to the rest of Eastern Europe.

The full article, "Companies in Poland: Growing the Polish Apple," can be found at www.economist.com.

Marcin Skok