Piast Institute Lecture Gives Profile of An American Ethnic Group.
Hamtramck, MI – Is there something distinct about Polish Americans? How did their American experience and Polish heritage shape the 10 million strong Polish American community in America? These and other related questions will be the focus of the 8th annual Dekaban Lecture “Polish Americans Today” by Dr. Thaddeus Radzilowski. The lecture, co-sponsored by the Piast Institute and the History Department of Michigan State University, will be held on Wednesday, December 1 at the Michigan State University Detroit Extension at 3408 Woodward Avenue, located next to the Bonstelle Theater. Secure parking is available at Erskine and Woodward adjacent to the lecture site. Light refreshments will be served, and the venue is wheelchair accessible. Admission is complimentary, but an RSVP is advised.
The lecture is based on a study of 1,400 Polish American leaders and activists done by Dr. Radzilowski and Dominik Stecula of the Piast Institute. The study was published in September by the Piast Institute and will be available for purchase at the lecture.
Virginia Skrzyniarz
To make a reservation or for further information, please call Valerie Tuczek at 313.733.4535 or email tuczek@piastinstitute.org
11633 Joseph Campau
Hamtramck, MI 48212
(313) 733-4535
A National Institute for Polish and Polish American Affairs
Building a New Polonia for the 21st Century