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Bishop Piotr Turzynski Visited the American Polish Community: "The Story of the Ulmas Moved Poles in the United States"
March 27, 2024
Family News Service

"During the retreat, I spoke about the martyrdom of the Ulma family. People were moved," - Bishop Piotr Turzynski, Delegate of the Polish Bishops' Conference for the Pastoral Care for Poles Abroad, who visited the American Polish community from 5 to 23 March, told Family News Service.
The Polish Episcopate Delegate has presented the relics of the Ulmas to the American Polish community, which will travel to Polish parishes across the US. You can also watch the Institute of National Remembrance exhibitions dedicated to the Ulmas in the parishes.
Polish parishes in the United States also have exhibits from the Institute of National Remembrance dedicated to the Ulmas. The 80th anniversary of their martyrdom falls on 24 March this year.
"Polish parishes have kept the tradition of holding retreats in Advent and Lent. Many people participated," said Bishop Piotr Turzynski, who gave Lenten retreats at St. Constance Parish in Chicago and Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish in Phoenix.
Bishop Turzynski had a meeting with the younger generation of Poles and also conducted a retreat for Polish school students. Sister Ewa Filipiuk MChr, the deputy head at the Polish school in Phoenix, told Family News Service that the school has 150 students ranging from kindergarten to grade 3 high school with a high school diploma exam.
Meetings with Poles overseas are an opportunity for Bishop Piotr Turzynski to learn about their joys and the struggles they live with every day. "I am happy about these meetings. There was an opportunity to be together," said the KEP delegate. Bishop Piotr Turzynski has noted that the Polish Community is always interested in Poland and is actively involved in its affairs. He added that Poles in the US joined the novena from March 16-24, intended for the Homeland, national harmony, and respect for human life. The Episcopal delegate said they joined the novena with joy and trust in the Lord God.
Bishop Turzynski handed out "Pro Polonia et Ecclesia" medals to four organizations that, he stressed, "are particularly committed to the promotion of Polish culture and Christian heritage." Honored were the "Trójcowo" Brass Band and the "Children of God" Schola from the Holy Trinity Polish Pastoral Mission in Chicago, as well as the Union of Polish Clubs in the USA and the Rachel Counseling Center at St. Constance Parish in Chicago, which offers assistance to parents after the loss of a child.
In mid-April, the Polish Festival will be held in Phoenix for the 19th time, featuring folk groups. Janusz Jachimek, one of the event's organizers, told Family News Service about the preparations: "This is a large, two-day event. About 20-30 thousand people attend it. Every year, great groups from Las Vegas, Chicago, New York, and Canada attend, and it is also featured on American television. "Americans like to come to such events," said Bishop Piotr Turzynski about the festival, "There is then an opportunity to show Polish traditions."
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