Even if you keep your essential documents safe in one place, it may be the wrong place! A cardboard filing box will go up in flames with everything else if your house catches on fire.
What documents would be hardest to replace? Passports, Social Security cards, marriage and birth certifi cates or adoption papers are just a start. If you store important financial and insurance documents at home, invest in a good quality fire-proof box or a small safe. You may want to scan copies of important records and save them on a computer fl ash drive. Just remember to give a copy to a lawyer or trusted relative to keep off site and update your records from time to time. If you have a digital video recorder, use it to create a virtual “walkthrough” of your house for insurance purposes, especially if you have a valuable collection that warrants buying additional insurance. Make extra copies of the video and ask someone else to keep one. As the motto goes: “It’s better to be safe than sorry.”
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Perth Amboy, NJ 08861
tel: 732-442-5648
fax: 732-442-1443
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Linden, NJ 07036
tel: 908-523-0008
fax: 908-523-1790