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Konsulat Generalny RP w Chicago interweniuje w sprawie obraźliwego filmu u administratora serwisu YouTube.
16 lutego, 2013
Konsulat Generalny RP w Chicago zainterweniował w piątek, 15 lutego br. u administratora serwisu YouTube w sprawie filmu obrażającego Polaków z miejscowości Hamtramck w stanie Michigan.
Poniżej zamieszczamy treść listu skierowanego do administratora serwisu YouTube:
Dear YouTube Administrator,
I need to draw your attention to the “Pure Michigan: Fat Tuesday” film by John Kerfoot, published by on February 11th 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Also, the author of the “Pure Michigan: Fat Tuesday” material uses the word “Polack”, which in the contemporary English language, is a derogatory reference to a person of Polish descent. In the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English the word is defined in the following way: “AmE taboo a very offensive word for someone from Poland”.
In YouTube Community Guidelines, one can find the following point: “We encourage free speech and defend everyone\'s right to express unpopular points of view. But we don\'t permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity).”
The above mentioned “Pure Michigan: Fat Tuesday” material is a clear example of attacking a group based on race or ethnic origin, that violates the Community Guidelines
Please, remove the film.
Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago
Mr. Frank Spula, President Polish American Congress
Mr. Mariusz Szajnert, President Polish American Congress Michigan Division
Mr. Thaddeus Radzilowski, President Piast Institute