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Jonathan Greenblatt: Letter of Apology to the Polish Ambassador in Washington

03 lutego, 2017

1 lutego br. opublikowaliśmy oświadczenie ambasadora RP Piotra Wilczka w sprawie komentarza dyrektora generalnego (CEO) Ligi Przeciw Zniesławianiu (ADL) Jonathana Greenblatta dla stacji CNN, w którym odnosił się do oświadczenia Białego Domu z okazji Międzynarodowego Dnia Pamięci Holocaustu, poruszając także kontekst polski. Udało nam się dotrzeć do listu z przeprosinami skierowanymi tego samego dnia do ambasadora. (redakcja)

Oto ten tekst:

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

In my recent comments to CNN about the White House statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I made a mistake by including Poland as one of the countries which does not always recognize the Jewish people as the intended target of the Nazi genocide.  I regret this mistake, and want to assure you that it was not intended as an affront to your government or the people of Poland.

As you know, ADL has long supported non-legal efforts by your government and others to react to and correct wrong and hurtful misnomers, like “Polish death camps,” and similar phrases, and we appreciate that our comments on this topic appear on your Embassy’s website.  On issues of Holocaust remembrance, our intention is always to educate, not to obfuscate, though the latter was the result of my recent mistake with CNN.

We look forward to continuing our dialogue with Polish officials, on a variety of issues of mutual concern, in good faith.

Jonathan A. Greenblatt
CEO, Anti-Defamation League

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