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\"Kram z piosenkami\" Leon Schiller

23 kwietnia, 2007

Thanks to the generosity and support of the Consul General Krzysztof Kasprzyk and the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland, The Polish Theatre Institute is happy to announce it\'s presentation on Sunday, April 29th at 2:00 pm. at the Salon of the Consulate 233 Madison Ave., NYC (entrance at 37th St.) of SHOP OF SONGS Kram z Piosenkami by Leon Schiller with JANINA KATELBACH KRYSTYNA TYSZKIEWICZ ANNA PODOLAK GRZEGORZ HEROMINSKI PIOTR RUDZINSKI

Opracowanie muzyczne i akompaniament PABLO ZINGER
Scenariusz i rezyseria NINA POLAN
Scenografia, oswietlenie i Inspicjent ANDRZEJ WALCZAK

The program is partially funded by the New York State Council on the Arts Join us for a glass of wine after the show.
Due to the Consulate\'s regulations please reserve seats and send your donations to the Polish Theatre Institute and show your photo ID at the entrance.

PTI: Tel/Fax 212-724-9323
Email: poltheatreinst@aol.com
16 West 64th St. #2B, NYC
NY 10023

Suggested donations $20.00,Seniors & Students $15, Supplementary Polish school students $5.00